2024/25 New School Transportation & Pick-up/Drop-off Policies
Parents must provide their own children’s transportation to and from school daily. We believe that time spent with family is precious. Moreover, we want to provide the safest environment for our students. Thus, we maintain a policy that students will be transported by a family member or designated friend. In order for a student to go with another parent/guardian at the end of the day, the administration must have been notified the morning of before 8:00 AM at the attendance@gracechristianacademy.school email. Students who will be biking or walking must have written parent/guardian permission on file with the administration. Here are the general guidelines for drop-off and pick-up:
Parents/Guardians must promptly drop off their children before school starts between 8:00-8:08 AM. Children can be released from parent vehicles to come into the school once GCA supervision is present by the entry doors. All school doors close at 8:08 AM and are locked for the school day. If families come after school starts at 8:08 AM, then they will have to be received at the front office at door #1 on 1087 Kellogg St. Parents will have to sign-in to receive an ID badge and then escort their child(ren) to their designated area (i.e. chapel/classroom) on the 2nd floor. Barring extenuating circumstances, students will receive a tardy for coming late. There are consequences for habitual tardiness.
Parents/Guardians must promptly pick up their children after school ends at 3:15 from the back parking lot of the school. If you will be late, it is your responsibility to call the school office as soon as possible. If another individual is to pick up your child, the administration must have been notified the morning of before 8:00 AM.
This will flow like airport parking. This will flow like airport parking. Please pull up as far as you can to the yellow road blocks and wait in or near your vehicle in line. K-5 students will be escorted/supervised to their vehicle. 6-12 students will be released to walk to their parents from door #5.
Vehicles may exit through the middle of both lanes, using great caution, as students are still making their way to their vehicles. If parents need to talk with teachers or come into the school for an extended time, then they need to park in the “general parking” lot across from the school on Kellogg St.
Both drop-off and pick-up take place in the back of the building in the private parking lot. Drivers must enter the parking lot on Division St. and then exit the parking lot onto Kellogg St. In addition, there are two lanes for traffic flow through the parking lot. Elementary (K-5) school parents will flow through the inside lane closest to the school and Upper Level school parents (6-12) will flow through the outside lane (see map). Vehicles CANNOT park in the parking spaces in the back parking lot. Students that drive will also have to park in the “general parking” lot for the school day. In addition, students should not be running/playing in any of the parking lots during these times. In the front and sides of the building the sidewalk is a public access thoroughfare, so teachers/ parents need to be looking out for bicycle traffic, runners, and other pedestrian traffic when entering/exiting the back parking lot.