Letter From Our Principal
It is my honor and privilege to be the Elementary Principal here at Grace Christian Academy (GCA). I firmly stand behind our mission, here at Grace Christian Academy, to disciple students towards leaving a legacy of walking with Christ, producing wisdom, stature and favor with God and man. Our goal is to teach students the truth about God and go with them into our community to show and speak the truth about our Lord and Savior in love. We focus first on teaching the Bible and second on academics, while still offering a traditional school setting and rigorous curriculum. We recognize the commissioning God has given parents over training and raising up their children and seek to come alongside them in growing their children academically as well as spiritually.
Mrs. Ashley Bisterfeldt

We start each day with staff devotional and prayer followed by chapel as a whole school. This is such a blessing and equips us for our day. Chapel is a special time to worship and learn about God through Biblical teaching. Every year we take time to talk about the different attributes of God. Some days students listen to teaching from the Bible on the topic, and other days students work in multi-age groups with a teacher to dig into the Bible and learn together. Discipleship is the main thrust of what we do, and so throughout the day teachers are pointing students to their need for God and taking time to help them walk biblically through conflict, friendship, frustration, and fear by going to Jesus. We want children to understand how God wants to be a part of our everyday lives, not just in chapel time or Bible class. We want our students to love God, love each other, and love learning.
Our goal is to keep class sizes at or around 12 students. We recognize the importance of smaller class sizes, because they allow students to receive more individualized instruction. We meet each child where they are at and work to move them forward to reach their God-given potential. Our teachers are gifted and well-equipped to work in the classroom. Their love for the Lord and the students is evident in all they do here at school and home.

We use biblically based curriculum that integrates a biblical worldview into all content areas. Teachers use a combination of traditional and hands-on learning to engage and meet the needs of all students.

We use BJU for most subjects, along with some Horizons and Saxon for math, and few others. Our daily routine includes morning meetings with whole group reading focus, read-aloud, guided reading groups, grammar, writing, spelling, handwriting, cursive (2nd grade+), guided math groups, social studies/science, PE, art, music, and Bible class.