Meetings & Agendas

School Board meetings are open to families and donors of GCA, except for closed meetings or closed topic sessions. However, visitors are not permitted to participate in meetings unless they are invited to speak prior to the approval of the meeting agenda. If you would like an audience with the board – please fill out the following form at least two weeks before the date of our regularly scheduled board meeting. Board meetings are always held on the second Monday of the month 5PM at GCA. Exceptions are made for holidays and inclement weather. Please let us know if you would like to attend as the doors will remain locked during the meeting.

Board Positions

Open Board Positions

We are looking to fill two board position for the 25-26 school year. Board terms are not limited but all positions are reviewed semi-annually. If you are interested in a school board position please contact to talk directly to one of the sitting board members.

Sitting Board Members & Bios

Brad Jarosinski – President

Brad Jarosinski and his family has been a part of the Grace Christian Academy family since 2014. They started with their oldest (Caitlyn) in 1st Grade, and then Trevor, Ryker and Tyler followed in the years after. Brad served as the School Board Vice President between 2015 and 2018, and now serves as a Board Member since Fall 2023. Their whole family is very involved and invested in the mission Christ has put them on with GCA along with being active members of Jacob’s Well Church in Howard. Brad’s wife, Beth, serves as the school’s Office Assistant and Fundraising/Outreach Coordinator at GCA as well.

Jeremie Johnson – Vice-President & Head Administrator

Mr. Johnson is the Head Administrator of the school at Grace Christian Academy. Mr. Johnson has been prepared for this position in numerous ways: educationally with a Masters Degree, multiple years in public & private education, and spiritually with his years of service at his local church with youth and Sunday school classes. Mr. Johnson is strongly devoted to help students know the Lord deeply and to disciple them towards leaving a legacy of walking with Christ! Mr. Johnson is married to his wife, Amy, and together they have two children, Aleck and Linnea who attend Grace Christian Academy.

Ashley Bisterfeldt – Treasurer

Ashley Bisterfeldt is our Elementary Principal. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire along with an Education Specialist Degree from George Washington University. She has a background in education and served as a Reading Specialist for 16 years in the public school system before leaving public education to become a stay-at-home mom. Ashley is married to her husband Ben and they live on a farm in Seymour, WI with their two children Greyson and Harper, both of which attend GCA. Ashley is the treasurer at GCA but is no longer a voting board member.

Leanne Wied – Secretary

Leanne Wied is a parent at Grace Christian Academy. She has been a stay at home mom since her son was born in 2018. She has a bachelors degree in church ministry with an emphasis in office administration. She currently is assisting with the marketing and outreach events at GCA while she stays home with her youngest child. leanne is married to her husband, Justin Wied, and has two children, Liam and Ellie.