How To Apply
We want to provide you with the best information for making a decision. We are available to answer any and all questions you may have and are willing and able to walk through the process with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you in Pulaski or Green Bay?
Since our inception in 2014, GCA has been located in Pulaski. However, since 2023-24 we have located in Green Bay at the former Annunciation School Building on 1087 Kellogg St. Contact us for a tour today!
Does Grace Christian Academy accept school choice vouchers?
No, we do not accept any school choice vouchers or government subsidies. We do have a scholarship fund if you are experience financial hardship or unable to afford regular tuition, see more here.
How is GCA different from other Christian schools in our area?
At GCA we have one primary focus: Discipleship. While we teach the traditional academic courses of English, Math, Science, and History in all of our grade levels, they are secondary to our mission of coming alongside parents in raising up disciples of Christ. Thus, our programs incorporate daily chapel, bible class, outreach, and discipleship training throughout the school year.
What is your student-to-teacher ratio?
10:1 for Preschool and Kindergarten
12:1 for all other grade levels
How much does tuition cost?
Please see our application for more information on the tuition expenses for the active enrollment period.
Do you offer a multi-student discount?
Yes, we do offer multi-student discounts, please inquire for more information.
Are there additional fees or expenses?
GCA has a Family Fundraising Commitment of $2500 per family. We stand on Acts 2:32 in pledging to unite together in helping the school raise extra funds to pay for yearly expenses. Rather than look at this as an obstacle, God has shown us that we can use this as a great opportunity to use our many gifts to share about the school’s mission and the Good News of Jesus Christ. See more here.
What are the start and end times for students?
All students start at 8:08 and end at 3:15.
Does GCA have a school lunch program?
No, currently GCA does not offer a school lunch program. Parents are required to provide a well-balanced nutritious bag lunch for their child each day.
Does your school require a uniform?
No, our school does not require a uniform. However, we do have a dress code that is defined on pages 15-18 of our Parent-Student handbook. Additionally, students in the LegacyMaking Academy (9-12) are required to have tops with the school logo embroidered on them. Students can buy new school apparel with the logo or bring in tops to have the school logo embroidered on them.
The purpose of this dress code is intended to protect the hearts, minds, and eyes of our students and staff during their day together.We believe modesty is ultimately a reflection of the heart. Our outer appearance should reflect the inner reality of our relationship with Jesus Christ and our desire to honor Him.
Do you provide bussing?
No. Parents must provide their own children’s transportation to and from school daily. We believe that time spent with family is precious. Moreover, we want to provide the safest environment for our students. Thus, we maintain a policy that students will be transported by a family member or designated friend.