Bible Digs 2023/24
Download Bible Digs Every day at Grace Christian Academy we start with Chapel. We devote ourselves as a school, staff, and families to start the day with Jesus before we start anything else. [...]
2024/25 New School Transportation & Pick-up/Drop-off Policies
Parents must provide their own children’s transportation to and from school daily. We believe that time spent with family is precious. Moreover, we want to provide the safest environment for our students. Thus, we [...]
Grace Christian Academy Job Posting: Elementary Teaching Position
Grace Christian Academy is a Christ-centered, Bible-based, Discipleship-driven 4K-12 Christian School that seeks to disciple students towards leaving a legacy of walking with Christ, producing wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. We are [...]
Capital Campaign Closes
Dear Supporters of GCA, After prayerfully considering the direction of the new school capital campaign, the Lord clearly closed the door on the former Pulaski site that had been made available to us for [...]
Bible Digs 2022/23
Download Bible Digs Week of 3/27 Who is the Holy Spirit? Week of 2/27 Promise of the Father Week of 2/13 Conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgement Week of 2/6 [...]
GCA Announcement: Moving Summer of 2023
Click Here For Admissions FOR NEWS RELEASE 01/19/2023 Grace Christian Academy has recently signed a lease for their 4k-12 school facilities at 1087 Kellogg Street in Green Bay Wisconsin. GCA is a 4k-12 non-denominational [...]