Barke Family

By the time our oldest enrolled at GCA for her freshman year, she had already attended 6 different schools. We have moved as a family across the country including different areas in Wisconsin. We have had our fair-share of different types of schooling. Our children have been to private, public, charter school and a year of homeschooling. As parents, we have always been involved in our children’s school. We have seen the inside workings of all the schools that our children attended.

So, when our oldest reached the age of going into high school, we were at another crossroads. We knew public school wasn’t a good fit and charter school wasn’t meeting our expectations either. We started praying for God to lead us where she should go or if we should do homeschooling again. Our desire was for our oldest was to go to a non-denominational Christian school that was Holy Spirit filled and led. But our options locally weren’t what we were looking for. That was until we found that GCA was moving to Green Bay. From the tour, interview, placement testing and admission, we saw God’s hand in it all. We were taken back by it all and couldn’t believe a place like this existed. My oldest even said when she was touring, “I have always wanted to go to a school like this.” She saw how special this school is and the people who make it all run so smoothly are such passionate disciples of God.

We quickly transitioned our youngest into GCA a few months after school started that same year and it was a seamless transition. They worked with getting her caught up with the rest of her classmates. It’s like homeschool meets Holy Spirit filled Christian school, is how I can best describe it.

Our children have not only grown academically in great strides but spiritually as well. How they are learning to dive into The Word and go deeper in it, is such an amazing thing to witness as parents. Their confidence in who God created them to be has grown so much in such a short time.

You truly do not know how special this school is, unless you take a tour and meet them. The amazing people that serve at this school make GCA what it is. A rare treasure of Kingdom Warriors on fire for Jesus.

Eric & Jamie Barke


My family has been at GCA for the past 5 years, starting in 4K. It was a divine calling towards this school before I even knew it existed. The Lord pressed on my heart so fully that I was talking with people about how to start a school – and I’m not an educator!! LOL But, talking about it very quickly led me to GCA which was already in my community and following the exact design God had laid on my heart. Spirit filled, focused on Christ and raising our children to be defenders of the faith, lovers of God. Now at nine years old, there is an obvious difference between my daughter and her peers from different school settings. Mainly innocence. She has the freedom to enjoy being a child. In addition, I’ve experienced our teachers leading in Godly conflict resolution and each year there has been some target area of learning that is identified and strengthened by the staffs own initiative – outside of the regular curriculum – and amply communicated for us to continue supporting at home. GCA makes no secret of the mission to make disciples of Christ. If you live your life surrendered to Jesus – come and experience for yourself. I guarantee you will find yourself among a community of believers who all want the same for all of our children.


I can never say enough good about GCA!  As a parent of four and trying to lead them well in this fallen world, it is so priceless to find a school that will come alongside us to guide and pour into our children!  What a blessing it is to know that as my kids go to school each day, they are being discipled with love, so that they can become all that God has planned for them to be.  When I think about the fact that on weekdays the teachers see my kids more than I do, it is so vital that they are surrounded by people who love and serve the Lord and care about the godly character of my kids as much as I do.  I also have a 13 year old and I absolutely love that the school provides one on one discipleship for her (and all 6-12 level students)–junior high is such a difficult time of life and it is a beautiful thing that she gets to meet with an adult she respects (who is not me), who will listen to her struggles, care about her concerns and challenge her in her spiritual life.  God has blessed our family so immensely through GCA–we are so grateful!


Our family has been so blessed to be part of GCA. We never imagined that we would enroll both of our children in a private Christian school at the high school level, but are so thankful that God led us to GCA. This school was a lifesaver for our son when he was in need of finding an alternative to public high school and our daughter has been truly blessed by her classes through FPA as well as her one on one discipleship. We didn’t know what we were missing having our kids in public school. The teachers at GCA actually care for the students not only educationally, but spiritually as well. We encourage everyone we know with little kids to “start them out on the way they should go and they will not depart from it”- GCA is a wonderful starting point, no matter what age/grade level your kids are at, you will not be disappointed!