Middle School FPA Advisor
My name is Maxwell Breinling, or Mr. Breinling at GCA. I came to know about GCA through my parents hearing about its first official launch advertised on Q90 radio. I was in 7th grade public school at the time and things were going downhill in a lot of ways for my education and friendships. I was new to faith but this was one of the first big steps and changes to progress my walk with God. I piloted the first Freedom Project Education courses alongside GCA and finished out my middle and high school through GCA. From the start I knew this was family and the people I got to know have been a huge part of my life and have mentored and come alongside me as I grow in my faith.
After graduating I attended YWAM Madison, a Discipleship Training School that gave me the opportunity to get real world application to evangelism and service. I was able to help those in need, and work around the Madison area. I was also able to grow in a deeper relationship with God, really knowing Him as someone who is my purpose and is most important, and not just knowing about Him like a person in a book. Afterwards I was given the opportunity to volunteer at GCA more than I had before and after graduating. I was able to help out with technology and class supervision, alongside many other needs.
Then I was able to join full-time as a Teacher for middle school Phy Ed. and supervise the newcomers to FPA’s online courses. As students come into 6th grade they are given an entirely new way of learning and being responsible. So I am able to take my experience of the courses from my student career and really come alongside them in a way that helps them be comfortable and confident in growing. This is my second year being full-time and I am excited for the ways my mostly boys middle school will grow as brothers in Christ and be able to join arms and make a difference not just in the school but out as we help the community.
God has really brought things full circle with His path for me. From being taught to now teaching, and I can’t wait to see the ways He will move this year as I grow with the students.

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